To support the foundation
The importance of alternative media
As the control of information is increasingly concentrated in ever fewer hands and as broadcasters serve up the same tasteless and homogeneous menu, alternative communications through documentary films can allow true dialogue to take place between individuals, peoples and cultures about development and social change. In some countries independent documentaries represent the only free and critical voice to be heard - it is an essential tool for awareness, reflection and debate in the context of repressive or police states.
The Alter-Cine Foundation would like your support
Do you support the objectives of the Alter-Ciné Foundation?
Do you believe it is important for filmmakers from Africa, Asia and Latin America to produce their own images from their own viewpoint as opposed to that served up by the mainstream media?
Do you think that documentary films can stimulate awareness, reflection and debate and allow us to better understand our world and how to go about change it?
If so, we invite you to support the Alter-Ciné Foundation financially. Your contributions are our only source of funds; we receive, nor apply for, any funding from governments and institutions. Every dollar we receive goes directly to the filmmakers as the Alter-Ciné Foundation depends one hundred percent on voluntary labour and pays no administrative, publicity nor promotion costs.
You can do it online at this address:
Or send your contribution by cheque to:
Alter-Ciné Foundation
1275 avenue Van Horne, app. 34
Montréal, QC
H2V 1K5
For all financial contributions over 20 dollars, the Foundation will provide an income tax receipt.